
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The pandemic has changed how we travel, how we work, and how we socialize. But as followers of Jesus, the commission to make disciples of all nations hasn’t changed. Even though most of us are stuck in our homes, that means we can continue to share the Gospel, encourage fellow believers, and obey the Great Commission. Here are some practical ways you can make disciples from wherever you are.

  1. Pray for people over the phone.While technology has often been a tool for disconnection, use this opportunity to make it one of connection. Betty Gomez, the director of Beauty for Ashes, felt led to reach out individually to every contact in her phone. So far she’s connected with over 70 people, praying for them over the phone, encouraging them, and sharing the Gospel with many of them. Go through your contacts and ask the Lord to highlight someone to you, and send them a text or give them a call to encourage them. Spend some time praying for them, and share your testimony with them.
  2. Listen for God to speak..God is still speaking, and as the world is slowing down, we can quiet our hearts to listen to His voice. Use this time to practice hearing the voice of God, and ask the Lord to give you a word of encouragement for a friend. One World Race alum, Tyler Inman, felt led to create digital prayer rooms using Zoom, where people can sign up to receive prayer and a prophetic word. He’s already organized a full week of ministering to people through prayer and creating intentional space for God to speak to them through other believers! Sign up for prayer or lead your own prayer room, or just take some time on your own to pray for someone and share what you hear. God is eager to speak to us if we take time to listen.
  3. Share the gift of God’s word.Since the pandemic began, there have been reports of an increase in Bible sales as people are turning to God’s word as a source of peace, comfort, and guidance. Share that gift with others. If you know someone who doesn’t own a Bible, think about purchasing one for them and sending it to them with a note of encouragement. Flora Brooke Ford, Semesters alumna, started the Living Light Project, which encourages people to share the light of God’s word with others. After she chooses someone and buys a Bible, Flora spends time highlighting and underlining different passages and verses that may encourage them, and then sends them the Bible with a note. Simply pray and ask the Lord to put someone on your heart, purchase them a Bible, and then spend some time writing an encouraging note, or marking certain passages that may bless them. We can trust that the word of God never returns void, and it’s a gift that will continue blessing them for years to come.

Along with the commission to go and make disciples, we were given the promise that Jesus would be with us always. We can boldly continue sharing the good news of Jesus while trusting that His presence surrounds us even in times of isolation. How are you making disciples while you’re home? Share your ideas in the comments below!